The athletic department is proud to announce the hiring of Phillie Kealy. Mrs. Kealy will be playing a huge role for the students here at Highland, as she will not only coach girls’ soccer but will also play a significant role in the Physical Education department. Highland is excited to have Mrs. Kealy join both the faculty and the athletic department.
A brief background of Coach Kealy:
Coach Kealy comes to Highland from Southern California. Phillie graduated high school in 2013, where she was a standout athlete in numerous sports including soccer. After graduating high school Mrs. Kealy continued her athletic ambitions in college by playing a key role in both cross country and track at California State University, San Bernardino.
Post-graduation from university, Mrs. Kealy lived in New Zealand for a year where she was able to explore outdoor activities like surfing, snowboarding, mountain biking and white water kayaking. Upon departure, Phillie set her eyes on teaching and coaching. This is where she decided to move to Ogden, for both the landscape and the teaching opportunities. Mrs. Kealy and her husband, are settling in and absolutely love being so close to the mountains.
If you have questions about girls soccer please reach out to Coach Kealy at kealyp@ogdensd.org